How to end the flight.
Please refer to the explanations below.
1. Insert the SD card from the drone controller into the SC Edge.
2. Swipe to open the inserted SD card/USB stick with the drone pictures.
3. Select 'Import'.
4. Wait on the import.
5. Select 'Process'.
If a mission contains multiple flights,
you need to select them all and merge upon import.
6. Alter the settings if necessary.
1. Change 'Processing Quality'.
2. Change 'Point Cloud Density'
3. Always choose 'LAS' as 'Point Cloud File Format'
(mandatory for SC Services upload).
7. Swipe down and alter the rest of the settings.
1. Swipe down
2. 'orthomosaic' = on (if needed)
3. 'point-cloud (objects removed)' = on (standard)
8. Select 'Start Processing'.
9. Your data is now processing.
10. The processing has completed.
- ‘ACCURACY LEVEL’ recommended = PPK 100%.
If anything is blocking the SC Edge (buildings, vehicles or people passing by…) to receive satellite information during logging, the percentage will go down, as data will be lacking that is needed to correct the drone pictures. - ‘ACCURACY CHECK’ is the tool to initially calculate the necessary offset
- ‘VERTICAL OFFSET’ will show you the adopted offset and allows for editing (avoiding to recalculate). You can run it with ‘checkpoints.csv’ and perform average offset (Sample csv format is in reference section).
11. After the processing, you still need to perform an 'Accuracy Check' on the output.
Select 'Run Check'.
Accuracy Check
- Select 'Apply Suggested Offset' if you accept the offset value.
- Confirm you have the correct 'OUTPUTS' to be uploaded.
12. You can now see the result in different views by clicking the blue buttons.
For example the 'Point-Cloud (Dense)':
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